
Archive for the ‘.NET’ Category

Greener pastures…

don’t exist.

I just read a rant by Davy Brion that made me feel like I had to post my own thoughts on the subject. Davy did preface his post with an explanation that it was a rant, and I appreciate that, and it does mean I’ll cut him a lot of slack here. After all, I often rant with the best of them, and in some ways this very post is my own rant. However, there’s enough fallacies in his rant that I just can’t let it go.

One of the most important goals of every piece of guidance and tooling that they provide is accessibility. Lower-end developers should be able to use their products and their guidance and be able to build software of an acceptable quality.

Davy must never look at the Patterns & Practices guidance, then. This guidance is certainly not accessible to “lower-end” developers. Microsoft is so often criticized for ignoring the “higher-end” developers, but that’s simply not true. They just don’t always target them. Having worked in plenty of other development communities, for good or ill that’s true everywhere.

Please note that I’m not trying to give Microsoft a complete pass here. There’s a complaint hidden within this larger complaint that Davy is making that has some truth. Microsoft does have a problem with sometimes providing poor guidance, no matter what level of developer the guidance was targeted at. However, I think more often than not the community makes a mountain out of a molehill here. Often the “guidance” isn’t guidance, but simply code of questionable quality written by a Microsoft employee, or is sample code meant to illustrate a very narrow and specific point which would be lost if enterprise level best practices were followed, or any number of other scenarios. Then there’s areas where there’s simply debate as to what “best practices” really are, where it’s fine to disagree but it’s not really black and white as to whether or not the guidance provided is “bad”.

There is a huge difference in quality between the higher-end .NET developers, and the lower-end.

Absolutely! But what’s being inferred here is that the differences are not so great in other developer communities. Having worked in a very diverse set of communities, from mainframe developers to Windows developers to Unix developers, from .NET to Java to C++ to Ruby to Python to PHP to ECMA Script, I can tell you that this is simply not the case. The difference in quality between lower-end developers and higher-end developers in all of these communities is huge, and the lower-end developers far outnumber the higher-end developers across the board. Sorry, greener pastures don’t exist.

I found it extremely telling that Microsoft is capable of putting resources on products like WebMatrix and LightSwitch (both of which are targeting the very-very-lower-end developers, or even non-developers) while at the same time, they are severely cutting back the resources for projects like IronRuby, IronPython and the DLR (which drew more interest from the higher-end developers than the lower-end developers).

I share some of Davy’s sentiments here. However, I know that this is irrational. First, WebMatrix and LightSwitch aren’t really bad products. They target a far different audience then what most developers, much less higher-end developers, fall into. However, that audience is real, and has always existed. I share frustration over this… I’ve had to “maintain” and “rewrite” using proper development tools and methodologies more than my fare share of programs written using these types of tools, and it’s frustrating and painful. However, I’m experienced enough at this point to acknowledge that these “small, quick, dirty” applications written by non- or low-level developers using RAD tooling provide real business value and meet a real need.

The apparent cutting of IronRuby support/development funding really annoys me, and I think is a terrible mistake. However, I highly doubt there’s any relationship to this announcement and the WebMatrix and LightSwitch announcements. It’s just coincidental timing, and not any indication that Microsoft is changing an emphasis towards more low-level developers.

My rant (and please note this is not directed at Davy): I’m growing sick and tired of the negative tone coming from many in the .NET community, especially those in the blogosphere who consider themselves “top tier” .NET developers. To listen to them, the .NET community is entirely populated by idiots, who are idiots because Microsoft makes them that way, who will never learn because Microsoft doesn’t want them to learn. Further, according to them, Microsoft tools are always the worst possible tools you could choose to use. Without conviction, they tell you that this is a “.NET/Microsoft problem”, and that all other development communities are so much better. Well, I’ve worked with and in those other communities, and if you really believe that’s true, do the .NET community a favor and try those other pastures. Like the cow from the fable, you’ll find the grass isn’t any greener over there, and maybe you’ll learn and grow from that experience and come back to help make our community better.

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I’ve been hard at work on a new version of Onyx. I’ll write another post later explaining why I’m “starting over” and what the new goals are, as that’s not relevant to this post. Since I am starting over, though, it’s given me a good opportunity to switch to using .NET 4 and the new technologies available with it. One of the more exciting new features that I’m very excited to utilize is the new Contract system which brings Design by Contract (DbC) to the .NET world.

DbC was first implemented in the Eiffel programming language, and was discussed in length in the book Object Oriented Software Construction by Bertrand Meyer. DbC is a design and development methodology intended to try and ensure software correctness. I’ve been intrigued by DbC ever since reading about it in OOSC about 10 years ago, but since the idea really requires language support and so few languages include this support (Eiffel being the only one I’ve even written a “hello world” program in), I’ve never really had the opportunity to “use it in anger”. Now that DbC is going to be available in .NET, I can finally get some real world experience with it.

So, what is DbC?

DbC is a way to design, build, document and verify software based on the idea of contracts. In the legal world a contract is used to specify what two parties agree to exchange (goods or services). In DbC contracts are used in the same way. The consumer of a routine agrees to provide certain input, while the routine agrees to provide certain output. The stronger both sides of this contract is specified, the more robust and reusable the code will be. When the contract is codified in the software, it’s possible to use tools to statically verify the correctness of the code, to produce unit tests, and to provide runtime exceptions when the contract is violated. When the contract is well documented, it’s easier to write code that consumes it. All of this leads to higher quality code.

In DbC, contracts are codified using special assertions in a declarative fashion. Methods are decorated with two types of assertions: preconditions and postconditions. The preconditions specify what a caller is required to do, while the postconditions specify what the method will ensure at the end of the call. These assertions are specified using predicates. In .NET 4 these assertions are specified using calls to methods on the static Contract class. The Requires overloads are used to specify the preconditions, and the Ensures overloads are used to specify the postconditions.

Now’s a good time for an aside. I made two claims earlier about DbC that seem to be contradicted by what I just said about how you specify assertions in .NET 4. First, I said that assertions are declarative, while the use of the Contract class appears to be imperative. Second, I said that DbC requires language support, while the Contract class appears to require only library support. I didn’t really get either of these claims wrong, it’s just that Microsoft found a very unusual way to support DbC in .NET. They use an IL rewriter to modify the binary output after it has been compiled. This allowed them to introduce DbC to all .NET languages, even those that don’t have built in support for the concept, while retaining backwards compatibility.

Because assertions are really declarative, despite the novel implementation provided in .NET 4, there’s some restrictions on how you are allowed to write them. They must be placed at the beginning of the method, and need to follow a certain order: Requires then Ensures.

OK, that covers the declarative nature, but what about the claim that language support is required? Why would language support be necessary? We’ve been using library based assertions for a very long time in nearly every language imaginable, after all.

Well, to understand this claim, you need to think about inheritance. Type inheritance obviously requires language support, and contract inheritance isn’t any different. The assertions for a base class method apply equally to overrides in a derived class, and that’s nearly impossible to achieve without language support. Well, the IL rewriter provides this same support without changing the language. Neat, huh?

We should discuss contract inheritance a bit. See overrides may not have the exact same contract as the base. However, the contract needs to be “compatible”. Thinking hard about this, we can come up with some rules. Let’s first think about the preconditions. If the preconditions are identical, we obviously have no problems. What if we add to them (making them stronger), though? This won’t work. Using polymorphism, if a derived instance is passed to a method expecting a base instance, it could violate the stronger requirements because it knows nothing about them. What if we remove some requirements (making them weaker) instead? This is fine, because when the method taking a base instance obeys the base requirements, it will still meet the derived class’s requirements.

Now, let’s think about the postconditions. What happens if we add new conditions (making them stronger)? This is fine, because we’ve still met the base requirements. What about removing conditions (making them weaker)? This doesn’t work, because we may not satisfy the base requirements.

So, in theory at least, we can weaken the preconditions, and strengthen the postconditions. However, in .NET 4 they’ve only allowed us to strengthen the postconditions. The justification they give is that “in practice” there’s rarely a need to weaken the preconditions, and supporting this concept is too complicated. I’m not sure if this justification is valid or not, as I’ve little experience with DbC, but that’s what we have.

So, now we have preconditions and postconditions. There’s a third type of assertion that’s very important: object invariants. Object invariants are assertions about the state of the object between calls to methods on it. These assertions must hold before and after every call to instance methods on the object. In .NET 4, object invariants are supported by decorating methods that specify the invariants (through calls to the Invariant method on the Contract class) with an attribute (ContractInvariantMethodAttribute).

So, there’s a lot of theory. Next, we’ll try to look at the practice of using DbC in .NET 4.

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